Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Worship Theology - "The Love of Christ"

This post focuses on a re-worked hymn originally called, "The Love of Christ is Rich and Free" and the version that I have been listening to was done by Sandra McCracken, featuring husband, and fellow singer/songwriter Derek Webb. This song has been published by Indelible Grace which has been working to re-introduce hymns back into the vocabulary of the modern church. You can read more about Indelible Grace HERE.

You are able to listen to a slightly different version of the song in a clip HERE.

Here are the lyrics:

The Love of Christ Is Rich and Free

The love of Christ is rich and free;
Fixed on His own eternally;
Nor earth, nor hell, can it remove;
Long as He lives, His own He’ll love.

His loving heart engaged to be
Their everlasting Surety;
’Twas love that took their cause in hand,
And love maintains it to the end.

Chorus: Love cannot from its post withdraw;
Nor death, nor hell, nor sin, nor law,
Can turn the Surety’s heart away;
He’ll love His own to endless day.

Love has redeemed His sheep with blood;
And love will bring them safe to God;
Love calls them all from death to life;
And love will finish all their strife.

He loves through every changing scene,
Nor aught from Him can Zion wean;
Not all the wanderings of her heart
Can make His love for her depart.

(Repeat chorus)

At death, beyond the grave, He’ll love;
In endless bliss, His own shall prove
The blazing glory of that love
Which never could from them remove.

Tag: Which never could from them remove.

Words by William Gadsby

Music by Sandra McCracken

It is a great reminder of these great truths about God's love for us in Christ:
- It is stems from God and centers on God (1 John 4)
- Neither earth nor heaven can remove it from us (Romans 8:35-39)
- It is without end (1 Corinthians 13:8a)
- It anchors our surety and salvation in Christ for eternity (2 Thessalonians 2:16)
- It was love that took up our cause (our sin and the need for a savior) (John 3:16-17)
- It is love that will maintain our salvation until the end (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)
- It was poured out of Christ in His blood (Romans 5:6-11)
- It calls us from death to life and will, in the end, end all our striving (Revelation 21:4)
- It is faithful even when we are not faithful in return (2 Timothy 2:11-13)
- It CANNOT cease to be what it is (multiple)

Although the song arrangement might be a little less straightforward than some hymn tunes or even some simple praise choruses the lyrics are a great reminder of the powerful, un-movable, and faithful love of God for us in Christ Jesus. Give it a whirl.

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